As Catholic professional and business men and women, we are called to live as disciples of Jesus Christ not only on Sundays, but every day at home and at work. Our goal in the Catholic Professional and Business Club (CP&BC) an unincorporated association, shall be to continue our faith formation as Catholics so that we can bear witness in our daily lives by word and deed to the Good News of Jesus Christ. We gather to share with others who seek a more ethical business environment. These goals shall be attained by coming together monthly to hear from an informative and motivational speaker during the meeting. Each of us shall strive to integrate our ethical values as Catholics into our professional and business lives.


Meeting Via ZOOM.

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A Message from Fr. West

I would like to take this month's article to briefly review and comment on the mission statement of our Club. At present, the mission statement reads:

“As Catholic professional business men and women, we are called to live our Christian ethics not only on Sunday, but throughout our daily lives at home and at work.”

Our goal in the Catholic Professional and Business Club, an unincorporated association (CP&BC), shall be to gather to share with others who seek a more ethical business environment.

Each of us shall strive to achieve a co-mingling of our ethical and professional obligations, in demonstration of the fact that ethics and business need not be mutually exclusive terms." As stated, the mission of club is to assist its members in better living out the Christian ethics in our daily and professional lives. Ethics is commonly defined as "a system of moral principles" or "rules of conduct." As members of the Body of Christ, our moral principles are not defined, or made-up, by each of us as he or she sees fit. We have received the way we are to live from God through the means He has chosen to reveal them to us - natural law as discerned through human reason and Divine Revelation as manifest in the Deposit of Faith, which includes Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. We are then bound by justice to God and others to conduct our lives in accord with the teachings we have received.


Next Meeting

June 8, 2021

Via Zoom

Deacon José Reyes
Parish Life Coordinator, St. Stanislaus

Click here to register!

Born and raised in El Salvador, he graduated as a Mechanical Engineer from the Catholic University of El Salvador. He spent his entire professional career, over 30 years, in the Applications Development side of Information Services. Deacon José retired from E & J Gallo Winery in 2017 after working there for 25 years.

Deacon José joined St. Stanislaus in 1990 when he and his family moved to Modesto. Since then, he has had an active participation in the life of the Church at St. Stanislaus here in Modesto as well as in the Diocese of Stockton.

RSVP for the Zoom link. No charge to join the Zoom to hear the speaker.


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